Acknowledge, Speak, and Consider What Allah Loves to Hear

Acknowledge, speak, and consider what Allah loves to hear is actually what Prophet Muhammad did as an approach to mental health when his son passed away; Ibrahim (Awaad, 2020). 

As this topic is about mental health from the Islamic perspective, I would like to clarify that I don't have an educational background in psychology and Islamic studies. Rather, I have an educational background in library science. Thus, I will just recite some sources to bring up this topic, and the main sources are Yaqeen Institute Video; Prophet Muhammad's Approach to Mental Health | Holistic Healing with Dr. Rania Awaad, and a lecture from Dr. Firanda Andirja Abidin, Lc., M.A. I also encourage you to clarify and learn more about this topic from other sources. Please do correct me.


Prophet Muhammad has been through so many difficult moments that could trigger him to be stressed, to be in unhealthy mental states, yet Allah provided him with so much knowledge about mental health, and what I will discuss is only one of the approaches.

Prophet Muhammad loves his children so much. Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari 1303 described the moment when Ibrahim, Prophet Muhammad's son passed away. He took his son, kissed him, was in tears, and said "The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim! Indeed we are grieved by your separation." 

At that moment, Prophet Muhammad acknowledged his sadness, talked about it, but also considered saying the words that should please Allah. From what I have been learning about mental health, acknowledge what we feel is the first step that will open so many doors to help ourselves stay in good mental health. Mental Health America (n.d.) has a practice called PATH to help us stay in good mental health. PATH stands for Pause, Acknowledge, Think, and Help. To learn more about PATH, please check the sources section

The Prophet Muhammad also speak about what he felt at that time. Speak about what we feel is good to keep us healthy. Mental Health Foundation (n.d.) explained that speak about what we feel is one of the ways to cope with our problems and help us to stay healthy. Talking about "speak" as an approach to mental health, one of the actions of Prophet Muhammad is doing night prayer. It is explained through QS. Muzammil (The Wrapped Up). 

Dr. Firanda Andirja Abidin (2019) explained that there is khilaf among the Muslim scholars in interpreting QS. Muzammil in the context of Surah Makiyah and Surah Madaniyah. Some said that QS. Muzammil is Surah Makiyah (before hijrah), and some said that it is Surah Madaniyah (after hijrah). While the content of the surah is more about patience, and it supports all the difficult moments that Prophet Muhammad has been through in Makkah. Well, this writing is about QS. Muzammil as Surah Makiyah. Dr. Firanda also explained that there is a tafsir from the haqiqi perspective that "The Wrapped Up" emphasized the condition of Prophet Muhammad at that time; he was sleeping and "wrapping" himself. Dr. Firanda also mentioned that there are hadiths that describe Prophet Muhammad does wrap himself when he is in a fearful state. One of them is when Prophet Muhammad returned from The Cave of Hiro after met Jibreel. He came home in a state of fear and asked his wife, Khadija, to "wrap" himself with clothing. A book titled Seni Tinggal di Bumi (2018) by Farah Qoonita mentioned QS. Muzammil 1-7 as a way of  Allah asked Prophet Muhammad to tell everything to Allah through night prayer. The night prayer does make him feel relieved, as from morning until afternoon the Prophet should be very strong to face any circumstances. Below is the translation of QS. Muzammil (The Wrapped Up) 1-7:

 "O you who wraps himself (in clothing), Arise (to pray) the night, except for little-half of it-or subtract from it a little or add to it, and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation. Indeed, We will cast upon you a heavy word. Indeed the hours of the night are more effective for concurrence (of heart and tongue) and more suitable for words. Indeed, for you by day is prolonged occupation". 

Last but not least of this writing; the prophet considers saying words that are only pleasing Allah, even though he is sad at that moment. It does give us examples; no matter what circumstances we are going through, let's keep trying to give our best to Allah by doing good deeds. 

To close this writing, I would like to encourage us to keep helping ourselves and others to reach a good mental health state. Islam does teach us about this, let's learn more and more!


Abidin, F. A. (2019). Tafsir QS. Al Muzammil. Jakarta Mengaji.

Awaad, R. (2020). Prophet Muhammad's Approach to Mental Health | Holistic Healing with Dr. Rania Awaad. Yaqeen Institute.

Mental Health America. (n.d.). Helpful Vs Harmful: Ways To Manage Emotions.

Mental Health Foundation. (n.d.). Talk about your feelings,you%20can%20to%20stay%20healthy. (n.d.). Sahih al-Bukhari-Funerals-Hadith 1303


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