Fourth Part of Life Story - Rejection

Good evening everyone!
This part is written in English, because I wanna practice my English writing skills. Haha
If you find incorrect words, phrase, etc. please don't hesitate to let me know by putting your comment or personally contact me via email or whatsapp. Alright, let's go to the article, I mean "my perspective and also personal experience". Enjoy! 

Rejection is a kind of experience.
Rejection can happen in every environment, situation, regardless of age, social status, etc.
It sometimes could make us scared
Scared to go on to the next step or try another way
It makes us become overthinking
Think about what we shouldn't think, I mean unnecessary things.

We are not aware that we are being affected by rejection
Sometimes we also don't know what's happening in our mind
and it has effected our mood, the way we behave, communicate, and so on.

Rejection is an IMPORTANT role in our life
Sure it is! What kind of role? Depends on our perspectives!

I am a person who get rejected so many times, everyone else does, of course, because it's a part of life, something that can't be avoided.
I used to become someone who scared to be rejected after being rejected, haha.
I used to think when I get rejected, it's because I do something wrong, it's because of my mistakes. 
Andddd, this is totally wrong! I even couldn't control rejection, how could I say that it was my mistake?
But yeah, that's human being, we are mistaken, we learn, we grow, we improve! Cheers!

Now, insyaAllah, I will not be the person who scared to be rejected anymore.
I do believe, a positive expectation is good!
I love myself  so damn much! You do love yourself so damn much!
Why do we have to scared being rejected, while ourselves are enough? 

So, I have ever watched an inspiration video by Jay Shetty, and it's about rejection.
The point that I got is, rejection is just re-direction.
It's healthy for us, it's just not our way, so we can go to the right way that Allah has destined us to be in. 
Or... Rejection is just something in our mind, and mind is just mind. It's something that can go wrong.
Balance of thought is very important.

Last but not least, to have a healthy mental, mind, heart, body, we need to learn about mindfulness.
We can learn it through video, book, or other medias.
Through book, I suggest you to read book titled "This Book Will Make You Mindful by Dr. Jessamy Hibberd and Jo Usmar". For Twitter, Instagram, Youtube you just can follow Adjie Santoso Putro, or Jay Shetty.

And if you have other suggestions to be mindful, feel free to share it with us!


Ratih Sundari


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